
Visit Itinerary

The visit to this site of great heritage value and tourist interest also includes others stops along the way. Firstly, it is worth to mention the Centro de Recepción where an interesting documentary about the Menga construction process is shown. After leaving the Centre, visitors usually stop at the Observatorio del El Caminante (the Walker Observatory): a space dominated by the sculpture after which is named and from which you can see the Peña de los Enamorados and the Cerro Marimacho hill besides realizing their spatial link between the Menga and Viera Dolmens.

Following the access way to the Campo de los Túmulos, where you finally will enjoy the Menga and Viera dolmens, there are others outstanding landmarks of the visit: the Centro Solar Michael Hoskin (solar centre) whose name pays tribute to one of the pioneers in the studies about Archeoastronomy, and the Memorial de los Dólmenes, a one hundred year olive tree that, during many years, was in the Menga atrium.

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